SOS TOUR @ Scotiabank Arena


Blaize Exeter

2/26/20232 min read

Last night, SZA performed at Scotiabank Arena with Omar Apollo as her opener, and I'm still recovering. I went with three of my friends, and we had the time of our lives, but there were some minor complications.

The Pre

Before the concert, my friends and I had dinner at JOEY Eaton Centre and that chicken sandwich HIT.

After dinner, I headed to the arena early with one of my friends to get merch (the other two went back to finish getting ready). I forgot my Presto, so we had a cute hot-girl walk moment to Union.

The Gate Time

We got to the arena around 7:00 pm, and there were swarms of people everywhere. It was clear there was something wrong. It turned out that the door time was pushed back an hour to 8:00 pm (I heard from a snack vendor that the delay was caused by someone falling off a ladder). We used the extra time to meet up with my friend's other friends, but now, looking back, I kinda wish we had stayed where we were.

When we all returned, it was even more packed than before. On the way in, we passed hundreds of people waiting outside the venue in the cold. One thing about me is I don't play around with the weather, so best believe we were making it back inside. After what felt like an eternity, a security guard announced upstairs was open. I've literally never run faster in my life.

Merch Rush

We got inside around 8:15 pm, which left what I thought would be 45 minutes, but was actually 15 minutes until Omar Apollo started his set. We joined the line with one of my friends from school, and not a second later, I heard the opening riff from "Useless" coming from the stage. How could they let Omar go on stage with like five people in the audience? I know it would've been worse if he went on any later, but I was still upset I was missing it.

The original merch table didn't have Omar Apollo's merch (I didn't like SZAs), so I had to run around the arena to find one that did. I eventually finessed my way into another line and secured merch for my friend too.

Omar Apollo on stage
Omar Apollo on stage


Though I missed all of my favourite songs, my roommates got to the seats just in time for "Evergreen (You Didn't Deserve Me At All)," and we ate it up. He is such a great performer, and that mic was ON. Also, the denim fit was cute! I'm so sad I didn't get into his music sooner because I heard his concert at History was amazing.


I'm sure you've seen the TikToks by now, but the concert was UNREAL. I honestly felt like I was ascending during "Drew Barrymore" and "Nobody Gets Me". Even though a few classics got shafted, the setlist was still amazing.

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